Murrah High School
Class of 1963
50-Year Reunion
August 9 and 10, 2013

Dear Mustangs,

It has happened, again! It's time for another Reunion and this time it is the Big 50. How time flies! Your committee has been hard at work to put together another great reunion week-end full of good times and fun memories. Mark your calendars and save the dates August 9 and 10, 2013
Here are the basics:

COMMUNICATIONS - To save money, labor and time we will not depend as heavily on regular or "snail-mail" as we have in the past. We will use a web site, e-mail and limited regular mail to get the word out and register everyone.

WEB SITE - MHS class of '63 will have its own site where we will post activities, details, and other critical information to keep everyone updated. You can correspond with us through e-mail, and we will do likewise. For those who do not have Internet access, we will be happy to oblige you with regular mail, but as you understand, the technology can significantly reduce expense and labor.

FORMAT - We will have a Friday night party, a Saturday lunch, and Saturday night banquet and program. The details are being ironed out but you can plan on these three events.

We will publish a 2003 edition of the either the Rsum or the Hoofbeat for everyone to have as a remembrance of this important reunion.

NAMES AND ADDRESSES - The secondary purpose of this letter is to confirm contact information that we have on file. In this mail-out you'll find a return form to confirm your personal information. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP and one that will help to ensure that all Mustangs are included.

SEED MONEY - We need some! There's still some cash left from the 40-and 45-year reunions, but we can use a little more. Send $25 today, and we'll deduct it from your final cost. If you can't attend the reunion the $25 will still get you a copy of the reunion publication. Make checks payable to MHS Reunion and mail the address below.

The web site address is Log on today and then do so regularly so that you can keep up with our plans.

To confirm your contact information, email your information to or fill in the blanks below and return to

Estelle Noel Mockbee
1404 Roxbury Place
Jackson, MS 39211

That's all for now, but get ready for a great week-end!

Hail! to the Blue and Silver

Thanks for helping,

THE COMMITTEE (Chairman Pat Hatch Monk)

Please email the following or fill out, clip, and send to Estelle: Thanks




Home Phone (___)_______

Cell Phone (___)________

E-mail address_______________________

(__) I can't wait-Count me in. I'll send my $25 seed money

(__) Sorry, I can't attend; enclosed is my contact information and my $25 seed money.